Maroon 5.
What got me hooked?
To be honest, I think it was Adam Levine. I know. But lets get real. How freaking attractive is he? You may not think so, but I do. I was really bored one day, surfing the internet and I saw a picture
of him, and it led me to this link of all of his newest songs.
curious, I googled M5. It gave me a playlist of all of their
songs, and I've been obsessed ever since.
What do I like about them?
Well. Everything. But I think one of the most important
things is that their music means something. It's not just
about sex, drugs, and rock and roll. Although some of their
songs can be a bit sketchy, that's not my point. M5 takes their
music seriously.
It's also GOOD music. Not techno, ( although I do have a weak spot for techno. So rad.) but M5 has a song for every situation. Kind of like T-Swift, but from a wider spectrum.
Songs you should listen to PRONTO:
Well, the whole "Hands all over" Album, really.. But, to narrow
it down..
-She will be loved.
-Never Gonna Leave This Bed.
-If I Aint Got you.
-Moves like Jagger.
-No Curtain Call.
Ah that's just a few. There are so many great ones.