"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." - Marilyn Monroe.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Deep thinking.

I was thinking a lot today. I was in one of those weird moods where everything causes you to think really deep.
* I think most of this is contributed to reading Tuesdays with Morrie.  I read it all last night and I cried.
Example A) My stupid shoe-lace wasn't behaving how I wanted it to.  It was sticking out and spazzing out 24/7. I was so frustrated with it, wanting to just cut it off with scissors. But then my mind spun out into all these reasonings. 'this is so symbolic, Sammi.' 'Why do you let the small things bother you?' 'Your perspective needs to be wider. There are so many more important things in this world.' Yeah, what? Sammi, shut up, stop thinking and walk to class.

Example B) I tend to observe people frequently. People watching, I guess some people call it. I was watching people in the hall, watching their faces and who they were talking to. What faces they made when they talked, or how they explained something with their hands. I found out that I tend to notice ( No, I dont stalk. Stop thinking that.) people who are happier more. The sad ones aren't entertaining to people-watch. Then I started thinking about me. Well first I thought 'These people probably think you're a creep, Sammi.' Then I laughed. But really. I started thinking about me. Not in a selfish kind of way, but more self-critical. And I decided something.
So many people try to be different, which just makes us all normal.
Im so tired of seeing people trying so hard to stand out. Its like a breath of fresh air when someone is just themselves.

I realized that I love the process of figuring out who I am. What i like and what I don't like. Who I like to hang out with and who I just can't stand.
I'm screwing up and fixing things. I'm happy and I'm sad.
I'm figuring it out.
That feeling is nice.


  1. LOVE YOUR NEW BLOG! IT IS SO FREAKIN AWESOME! NEVER CHANGE IT. and i like this. a lot! your an AMAZING writer.

  2. Oh Rachel. Stop it, you're making me blush. Thank you! That means a lot. Considering writing is all I do in life. :) I love you!

  3. i love how you have quotes on the side. abe lincoln........marilyn monroe, marilyn monroe, marilyn monroe......awesome....

  4. crap....what the heck!!!! why do i keep doing that....my mom is not stalking you i promise...that was me. signed into the wrong account. nbd.

  5. Ha ha ha Camille. I heart you. I really do.
