"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." - Marilyn Monroe.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Fairytales, Dragons and Prince Charming.

You know, I learned a lot of things from Fairytales growing up.

I learned to never take anything from strangers. Especially old hags.
I learned that singing at the top of your lungs is perfectly acceptable when you're alone. And in public.
I learned that if you're locked in a tower, there better be an emergency exit.
I learned to go with your gut and trust your heart.
I learned a lot of things.

One thing that I still haven't figured out is the concept of the oh-so-grand "Prince Charming."
Lets get real, every girl thinks about him. People write songs about him, (T-Swift?), and he constantly encompasses our farthest-reaching day dreams. We all want the "Fairy Tale" Romance. Why wouldn't we? Its perfect.
The Princess is just sitting there, wallowing in her misery while this incredibly good looking guy is doing everything he can to get to her. Then, when he finds her, they get married and live happily ever after. Who wouldn't want that?

I hate to break it to you, girls, but fairy tales like that just don't exist in all reality. We don't get locked in towers or fall into a deep sleep by eating an apple. There aren't dragons or demons that try to stop our Prince's every move. He doesn't carry around a sword, clad full out in armor. He doesn't call himself 'Sir' and you don't curtsy and call yourself 'Lady.' It may have been like that before, but we're in a whole new ball game now.

I do believe in Fairy Tales and happily ever afters. Don't get me wrong. After watching them for 16 years, these are 3 important things that I learned.

1. Fairy Tales taught me that dragons do exist. And that they can be defeated.
Having the Dragon win in the end of a movie would really ruin it for me. It's the greatest feeling when the Prince kills it, then finally gets to the girl. I feel a personal sense of accomplishment for him. Way to go, Prince.
I would expect that every girl has her own personal cult of 'dragons' that wait to sabotage her every move towards her Prince Charming. Whether it's inevitable things such as distance, age, or even timing, they always seem to work together in uncanny ways to tear the relationship apart.
Or there's the really really crappy relationships that you find yourself knee-deep in, with no hope of getting out. You didn't really mean to put yourself in that situation, it just sort of, happened. Which is completely understandable.
My word of advice?: Things happen for a reason. Cliche, I know. But maybe the distance makes you appreciate the time you have together. Or the bad relationships taught you about what it takes to have a good, healthy one. To everything there is a season, to every rhyme there is a reason.

2. Maybe Prince Charming isn't who you think he is.
Every girl envisions her Prince Charming as this stud, who walks around with all his possy thinking "I'm so rad. Everyone should love me."
No, No no.
your Prince Charming is who YOU want him to be. Not who everyone else thinks he should be. Prince Charming is going to connect with you on levels that even you yourself don't understand. he's going to make you laugh, smile, and maybe blush a little sometimes. He's going to love you at your worst and your best. He's going to lift you up when you feel low, and lift you higher when you're at the top of the world.
It seems to me like girls go looking in all the wrong places for their Prince Charming. Then they end up getting knee-deep into those crappy relationships, with no directions on how to get out.
My other word of advice?: Look.Around.
How many guys are in your 'friend zone' that you love to hang out with, be with, and laugh with? Im not saying you should go hook up with them, but just remember how you feel when ever you're with them.
Look around. Take the path less traveled by.

 3. Happily Ever After DOES exist.
I believe this because of my religion. I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I believe that families can be sealed together for time and all eternity, because of our Heavenly Father's beautiful eternal plan. I believe in happiness that lasts for ever. I believe that something as beautiful as finding your other half should last longer than the general life expectancy. I believe there's something beyond 'Til death do us part.'

I believe in being a Mormon. I believe in eternity. I believe in happily ever after, and finding my Prince Charming.


  1. Hey, for starters, love the new look on your blog. Maybe you're Prince Charming is exactly who you don't expect, --

  2. Thank you Rach:)

    Daryk; Maybe he is.. I just know that when I realize he's my Prince Charming, we'll live Happily Ever after. :)
